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  • Karen S. Clymer

Shut in With God

Years ago when George and I were traveling in full time child evangelism, we were contacted by a pastor we had never met, asking us to conduct a children's crusade for him at a church he pastored in north central Oklahoma. We arrived at the pastor's house on the appointed Saturday afternoon and were ushered into the living room. It was there that the pastor quietly and very candidly explained that his wife was dying and likely had a very few days to live. He wanted us to meet her. George and I rose and rather slowly followed the pastor to his wife's room, not knowing what to expect. We were amazed to see this dear woman with a beautiful smile and hear her greet us with such graciousness. She went on to say something about not always understanding, but knowing God was faithful in spite of trying circumstances. The essence of her conversation was what Paul tells us in Phillipians 1:21 NASB - For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. There was such a serene atmosphere in that room -- not the slightest trace of morbidity.

The following morning, the pastor arrived for service shortly after we did, went to the piano and ask the congregation to join him in singing the chorus entitled, "SHUT IN WITH GOD". (I was unable to find the author of this chorus.) "Shut in with God in a secret place; There in the Spirit beholding His face; Gaining more Power to run in the race, I love to be shut in with God." The sweet Spirit of the Lord blanketed that sanctuary. I watched the pastor as he did just exactly what he was singing. It was as though I could visualize him 'curtained' in with God and cordoned off from every destraction, I saw worship like I had not seen it before and under such trying circumstances.

Today as this memory treasure came to my mind, I sat down at the piano and began to play that choruse and remember how the presence of God pervaded that pastor's home and his congregation. The presence of God filled my heart. What a precious atmosphere. Such a quietness and peace to be shut in with God. What a safe place to be. Perhaps you are experiencing something overwhelming today. My heart's desire is that this memory treasure of mine blesses you and that you shut yourself in with God, behold His face and draw strength from Him.

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